
Showing posts from August, 2022

Planning Your Tree Planting

As getting your trees ready for future challenges takes some planning and thorough investigation, right now is a great chance to learn more about tree care and planting. The greatest way to do this is by learning more about your community. Casey Tree Removal team would love to help you in your first step in planting and preparing your trees for the future!     STEP 1: Identifying your landscape You should consider knowing what are the locations you want to have your tree planted, you should have a different location on your list since not all locations are appropriate in the long run to have for trees. Here are some suggested locations for you to explore where you’d want to plant your trees:Your own backyard School gardens City halls Library Streets or sidewalks Community center Church An apartment complex A free forest     STEP 2: Evaluate your site After listing down or coming up with the potential sites you have picked, you need to determi...

Identifying Evergreen Trees

Initially, most evergreen trees look pretty comparative and similar at a first glance. Regardless of whether you take a closer look or not, you may not even know what differences you’re looking for. How might you recognize one evergreen tree from another? How about we answer that question for three regular evergreens: Fir, Spruce and Pine. A couple of unique contrasts set these trees apart, such as the texture of their needles or the surface of their cones. Here are simple methods in distinguishing these three types of evergreen trees.   The Most Effective Method to Identify a Fir Tree Fir trees are broadly viewed as the most widely chosen evergreen to use as a Christmas tree . However, that is not all they’re known for! See the most prominent qualities of the needles and cones of a Fir tree beneath.   Fir Tree Identification by Needles Fir needles develop separately from the tree’s limbs, something not comparable to Pine needles which fill in bunches.   A...

What You Should Know About Conifer Trees

Conifers are trees with extraordinarily extensive scale-like leaves or needles and seed-bearing cones. They are generally evergreen and can develop into enormous, towering trees. There are also many miniature varieties, including numerous groundcover plants. Here are some basic things to keep in mind when caring for these types of trees.   Popular Types of Conifers Among the popular types of conifer trees, the Yew is a conifer with little, visibly covered cones. The Gingko is likewise a conifer; however, its three-sided leaves are noticeably different and like the Yew, its cones usually have covering. Picking great quality conifers, planting them effectively and caring for them in the initial years after planting are essential to their overall growth and prosperity. It’s also important to note that larger conifers are usually harder to maintain than smaller ones.     Maintenance Fertilizing: Conifers are not very demanding in terms of fertilization and will...

Springtime Tree Care

Spring is an ideal chance to give your trees some additional help and consideration. Since they have been dormant for a quarter of a year, it is essential that your trees are dealt with as early into spring as possible. There are a couple of practices that you ought to take with your trees after their hibernation. We will be taking a look at a few pivotal things to include when caring for your trees during the springtime, to assist them in prospering over the course of the following months.   Cleaning While the management of dead leaves, winter covers and damage may appear to be an overwhelming undertaking, it’s an essential thing that needs to be done to allow your trees to flourish to their full potential. Making sure that dead leaves and sticks arenot obstructing areas around the tree’s growth points is essential. Also make sure to rake around your trees, three or four feet out from its base, as clearing your general landscape is pivotal to making sure the area is fr...

The Hazards of Tree Removal and Pruning

Fatalities and serious injuries are high amongst homeowners but do not get reported on the news, as public car traffic accidents do. These accidents usually occur in back yards not witnessed by the public. It is very easy to buy a chainsaw and ladder and not realize this is the first step to a high likelihood of injury or death. You don’t need a license and training to use these are you would if you want to use a car. Instead of reciting all the many different horrible accidents I am familiar with I would like to inform you how professional arborists mitigate these incidences First we have monthly safety meetings to review safe work practices, review near misses and accidents. We are constantly reminded that if you fall from a height of 10 feet onto a hard surface there is a 90% chance that you will die from your injuries within one year of the fall. For this reason most arborist prefer not to use ladders unless they are roped in first. Professional arborists are trained to ...