Common Tree Planting Mistakes
Our team of certified arborists recognizes there is a lot to know about successful tree planting, so feel free to look through our list of tips to avoid the most common tree planting mistakes! Tree Planting Tips! There are a lot of things to remember when you are performing “ tree surgery ”! It’s always smart to do your research before breaking ground and consult an expert to make sure the job is done properly. We have composed a simple list of tips to help you have a successful tree planting experience. Planting Too Deep Among the more common tree planting mistakes that people make when planting a tree in their yard is planting the tree too deep in the ground. A good rule of ( green ) thumb when planting a tree is the hole you are planting the tree in should never be deeper than the root ball. Before planting the tree, check where the first lateral roots are in terms of depth in the hole. The lateral roots should always be near surface level! If you are unsu...